1.      Children

·               We believe in providing experiences that promote and nurture positive self-esteem by building on children’s strengths.

·               We support, respect and value children’s individuality, their opinion, self- expression and incorporate this in all aspects of the program.

·               We believe in providing a safe, secure and caring environment where children feel confident and protected, to thrive and develop to their full potential. Opportunities for risk taking in the children’s nature play is promoted and in support of STEAM Learning. 

·               We believe in providing an environment that is flexible, stimulating, respectful of diversity and individuality and caters for each child’s strengths and abilities. This in turn will help the children reach their full potential as a whole being.

·               We aim to create a sense of belonging and acknowledge the traditional owners of the land (The Wurunjeri people) on whose land we now stand and demonstrate respect to the elders past, present and emerging.

·               We believe in strong collaboration to ensure that children are guided and supported to work co-operatively and collectively with others, nurturing positive behaviours to ensure the development of appropriate social behaviours and relationships based on mutual respect. 

2.      Community

·               We believe in ongoing communication between families, educators the community and children in order to provide opportunities and best outcomes for children.

·                We aim to work in partnership with the families and communities to create opportunities for an active learning environment.

·               We believe in fostering a sense of community awareness and participation which will contribute to children’s sense of belonging, being and becoming active participants within their community.

·               We believe in encouraging parents to be involved in the Centre’s activities, and create opportunities for parents to develop friendships and supportive arrangements between one another.

·               We understand the needs of children, families, educators and the community are constantly changing and that ongoing evaluation is essential to create a service that is responsive to their needs.

·               We believe in respecting organisations within our community to foster a sense of belonging (amongst the centre, the families and the community).

·               Alpha Early Learning Centre embraces the belief that parents are the first and most important teachers of their children. We recognize and foster an active partnership between home and childcare.

·               We believe in an ‘open door’ policy at all times for parents and extended families, networks and local community.

·               We encourage families to be active participants in the life of the centre.

·               We embrace the diverse beliefs and values of The Centre’s Greek heritage and the Multicultural Community.


3.      Staff

·        We believe that each staff member brings fundamental and unique personal qualities such as empathy, respect, warmth, cultural background and a passion for learning which is incorporated into the program.

·        Participation to various professional networks promotes open communication and further supports educator development.

·        We aim to ensure that personal and professional contributions are highly respected and valued in a team environment and that communication is open and confidentiality is maintained.

·        We value each staff member as unique and that personal and professional development is promoted, supported and ongoing to ensure a high quality service is provided.

·        The centre values and supports all staff in their endeavour to maintain a high level of interest in the optimal welfare of children.

·        We aim to ensure that staff work collaboratively sharing their knowledge, experiences and expertise to ensure best outcomes for the children.

·        We are guided by the principles identified by the National Quality Standards and our Code of Ethics and provide every child with the fundamental right to be protected, ensure the dignity and right of the child are maintained at all times.




4.      Program

·               We believe in providing a Greek/English bilingual program that incorporates the needs of both children and parents of English and non-English speaking backgrounds.

·               We provide a Greek/English bilingual program that enriches the child’s cognitive development and outlook/awareness of a variety of languages in our society.

·               We believe in providing a multicultural curriculum that is inclusive of the Centre’s diverse cultures, languages, beliefs, values and child rearing practices within our community which optimises children’s learning. (Reference the development of a Calendar of Events to guide and promote the various programs)

·               We provide a program that is stimulating and challenging.

·               We celebrate cultural diversity, motivate the children through play and discovery.

·               We foster life skills such as fairness, social justice, and constantly reaffirm children’s self-esteem.

·               We believe that all children including children with additional needs have equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of the program. (Further extending their learning in STEM and STEAM.

·               We believe in providing a developmentally appropriate program that caters for the social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of all children, supporting, guiding and scaffolding their learning so they may reach their full potential.

·               We believe that the program should be inclusive of the whole group as well as be flexible to respond to the needs of individual children in a holistic approach.

·               We believe that children learn through collaboration with their peers, adults and by interacting with the environment.

·               We aim to create a positive indoor and outdoor program inclusive of risk taking that is inviting, inclusive and rich in opportunities, one that reflects the local community and the families who use the service.

·               The Development of Alpha ELC’s Reconciliation Action Plan will support and embed Australian Indigenous activities and raise awareness of the Australian Indigenous Peoples Culture.



1.     Dignity (Constructive criticism, feedback)

2.     Unity (Equality and fairness, sharing work load)

3.     Self-Esteem (life skills, respect, holistic approach, every child is valued, anti - bias approach in relation to religion, culture and diversity)

4.     Respected as a professional contributor and as part of a team

5.     Positive and open communication

6.     Respecting each person’s individuality and diverse backgrounds beliefs and values

7.     Networking and sharing ideas

8.     Open minded and flexible